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Kiltarlity Community Council

Community news/information

   Local Place Plan Update – August 2024

(as circulated to a range of community councils and other community bodies in Highland by email)

We are pleased to provide an update on Local Place Plans in Highland.

Progress in The Highland Council Development Plans area

Two registered Local Place Plans: Stratherrick and Foyers and Ardgour Local Place Plan
Thirty other Local Place Plans formally notified as being in progress, of which twenty-six notified Local Place Plan areas have been added to our map and four are in the process of being added
Two of the Local Place Plans in progress are currently going through the formal process of being checked for validation against the Government's legal requirements for Local Place Planning

Is your community also preparing a Local Place Plan?

Please let us know by completing a Notification of Intent Form.

If you are a community-controlled body, please also send us a Preparer Checklist and a copy of your written constitution, so that we can carry out the checks required by Scottish Government against the requirements of Section 19 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.
          LEARNING EVENT: Local Place Planning & Climate Action All Welcome

We would be delighted for you to join us online on Thursday 22 August from 6.30pm to 8pm to learn more about how your Local Place Plans could support action on climate change. We'll be hearing from three communities - Morvern, Golspie, and Wester Ross Biosphere - about how they are integrating tackling climate change into their community planning.

The session will cover what the climate requirements and considerations are for your Local Place Plan and aim to build everyone's confidence through jargon busting and the sharing of available resources. There will be plenty of opportunity for discussion and Q&A. Questions can be submitted prior to the event by emailing or asked on the night.

To register for the event and receive your Teams link: click here to book your place

The event is open to all Community Councils, community-controlled groups, Elected Members, and any other interested parties. Please feel free to forward the event information to any individuals and groups who may be interested in attending.

If you have any questions about the event, please email
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Deadline for being registered - Friday 27 September 2024 – what does it mean?

We included the following information in our June Update, but as we approach the ‘deadline’ we felt it would be good to repeat it here as a reminder:

Local Place Plans can be submitted at any time. However, for Local Place Plans to be considered as evidence from the outset of preparing the new Local Development Plan, we were required by Government to set a deadline by which they had to be registered, meaning they must have been checked for compliance with the Government’s legal requirements for Local Place Plans and passed.

The minimum time we anticipate for checking a Local Place Plan submission against the Government legal requirements is 10 working days, though this may be longer in busy periods. If you can submit further ahead than this, it would be appreciated, as aspects of your Plan may need revisited before re-submission. The graph below shows when we are likely to be busy with LPPs coming in to us.
      20 15 10

5 0
Due submissions
Due re-submissions
LPPs in progress
Q14 in our Highland Local Place Plans Learning Event Q&A provides further information on the deadline, including a description of what may happen if you submit after the 27 September 2024 deadline, and is helpfully accompanied by the point in the event’s recording where David Cowie, Principal Planner in the Council’s Development Plans Team explains more about the deadline.

Possible funding to assist with your Local Place Plan preparation

Community groups may be able to receive funding from the Ward Discretionary Fund to help with Local Place Plan preparations, e.g. for printing costs relating to Local Place Plan community engagement. For the application form and guidance, please visit the following link: _community_groups

Possible help with communications for your Local Place Plan preparation

The Council emails a fortnightly newsletter to Highland communities. Community groups in Highland are welcome to submit information to for inclusion in the newsletter, so those preparing a Local Place Plan could, e.g. submit a PDF flyer advertising their group’s community engagement or share the news that their group’s Proposed Local Place Plan is available for review.
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Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Unknown
Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb
Written constitution requirements

We politely remind community-controlled bodies about the following requirements:

Please check that your governing document (constitution or articles) complies with Section 19 of

the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015.

You may find it helpful to refer to the Scottish Government’s recommended governing documents and guidance for community controlled bodies in terms of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act 2015 (examples available for a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation (SCIO) and Company limited by guarantee).
If you are a Company, please ensure that the constitution you submit with your Local Place Plan is lodged with Companies House as required by Section 26 of the Companies Act 2006.

Local Place Plan webpage changes

We recently made some changes to our Local Place Plan webpage. Rest assured, none of the legal requirements for Local Place Planning have changed, we were just adding to the guidance that we provide to communities to help in the preparation of Local Place Plans.

Our recent changes include the addition of a page to hold our Local Place Plan Updates; and a page to hold Local Place Plan examples, including documents created by communities in Highland (e.g. community engagement materials produced as part of a group’s Local Place Plan preparation) and weblinks to other authorities’ Local Place Plan registers.

If any communities have Local Place Plan documents, e.g. survey templates that they would like to share with other communities via this page, please email them to

Adoption of Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan 2

For communities preparing a Local Place Plan whose area is wholly or partly in the Inner Moray Firth Local Development Plan area, please note that IMFLDP2 was adopted on 27 June 2024 and replaces the version adopted in 2015. The IMFLDP2 documents can be found at:

As IMFLDP (2015) is no longer part of the Development Plan, it no longer has any status for planning applications, and any reference to it in your Local Place Plan should be replaced with IMFLDP2.

However, we acknowledge that some groups have understandably been referring to IMFLDP, it having been the adopted plan until 24 June. Some groups may also have been referring to proposed IMFLDP2, as suggested by paragraph 30 of the Government’s Local Place Plans Circular.

We wish to reassure groups whose Local Place Plan is in an advanced stage, that it may refer to both IMFLDP (2015) and IMFLDP2 (2024) and state in its Supporting Statement that it had regard to both, with an acknowledgement of where IMFLDP changed during their Local Place Plan preparations.

Local Development Plan/s for your Local Place Plan area

Please contact us on if your community group needs help to identify which Local Development Plans apply to your Local Place Plan area.

Maximum individual file/total email size

When preparing your Local Place Plan and supporting documents, please be aware that the maximum file for publishing on our website is 24MB per individual file. If any document you propose sending as part of your Local Place Plan submission is bigger than 24MB, please split into smaller files before emailing them to us, noting also that the total attachment limit per email is 50MB.
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Locality Plans

In the coming months, the Partnership Development Team will be finalising Plans for each Community Partnership area. These will be known as Community Partnership Plans. With a focus on tackling inequalities, these Plans will encompass the requirements for the Community Planning Partnership to create ‘locality plans’ and need to be considered when developing a Local Place
Plan. All the Community Partnership Plans can be found on the Community Planning website:

Please contact us on if your community group needs help to identify if there is a Locality Plan/s for your Local Place Plan area.

Numbering maps in your Local Place Plan

Your community may already be doing this as part of your Local Place Plan preparations. However, if not, a handy tip is to consider numbering your maps for ease of referring to them within your Local Place Plan, for example in-text and/or in a table/s of proposals. To see an example of the application of map numbering, please see Figure 9 on page 35 in the Ardgour Local Place Plan.

Other Community Land Use Plans

Apart from the opportunity to prepare Local Place Plans, there are other ways in which communities can seek to inform the preparation of the new Local Development Plan. One such way is by sharing community land use plans with us. We have a webpage to hold other community land use plans that may be taken into account during HLDP preparation, at the discretion of the Council. We recently added Portree and Braes Development Trust’s Camanachd Square Masterplan to this page.

If you wish to share a community land use plan for the purpose of adding it to this webpage, please email it to; noting that the community land use plan must contain no personal contact details, and the community group is responsible for obtaining permission for the use of any photos and graphics included in the Plan prior to submitting it to the Council. If your group identifies personal information that needs to be removed from PDFs we can offer assistance with redacting.

For more information

Please visit our Local Place Plan website for further guidance and tools, including our Local Place Plan templates. Please note that you do not have to use our templates, they are a guide that you may wish to follow to help ensure that your Local Place Plan meets the Government’s legal requirements.


For any communities using our Local Place Plan templates and guidance, we welcome any feedback you might have on the use of these or any documents available on our Local Place Plans download page. Please send any feedback to:

Contact us

We hope you find this update helpful. If communities in Highland have any questions relating to the Government’s legal requirements for Local Place Plans, any suggestions for future webinars, or would like to be added to our mailing list to receive future Local Place Plan Updates, please contact the Development Plans Team on:
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Local Place Plan Update August 2024.pdf194810.pdf08 October 2024256kB