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Kiltarlity Community Council

About Kiltarlity

Nestled amidst the enchanting Scottish Highlands, Kiltarlity, with its rich historical tapestry, maintains a mystical connection to the land's ancient past, a heritage intertwined with the presence of standing stones dating back over 4,000 years.

At its heart lies the village of Allarburn, often informally referred to as Kiltarlity and now officially designated as Kiltarlity Village, a place where time seems to flow seamlessly between the ages. Here, in this village that has witnessed countless generations, you will discover the illustrious Brockies Lodge, a longstanding establishment that has borne witness to the village's evolution. Nearby, a Post Office and shop, reminiscent of a bygone era, continue to serve as vital community hubs, while a well-visited village hall stands as a testament to Kiltarlity's enduring spirit.

Throughout its history, Kiltarlity has been home to a resilient populace, residing in the surrounding countryside, be it on crofts or in more recently constructed homes. As the significance of crofting has gradually diminished, the village's rural population has endured, thanks to the allure of this extraordinarily beautiful area that has beckoned both local families and newcomers alike to call it home.

Kiltarlity's educational institutions are represented by the Tomnacross Primary School, a place where young minds are nurtured against the backdrop of towering mountains and serene glens. Secondary students embark on a journey to Inverness, attending Charleston Academy. Spirituality too finds its place here, as three distinct churches grace the landscape: the venerable Church of Scotland and the steadfast Free Church of Scotland, both nestled near the village center, along with a Roman Catholic Church residing in Eskadale. The latter, found amidst the embrace of the River Beauly's valley, stands as a testament to the diverse spiritual fabric that weaves through Kiltarlity's history.

Yet, the village's allure extends beyond the tangible into the mystical realm. Kiltarlity, with its ancient standing stones, harks back to an era when these monolithic sentinels held deep significance, marking the passage of time and the rituals of those who walked these lands millennia ago. These stones, dating back over 4,000 years, are not merely relics of the past but are gateways to an age when the mystical energies of the land intertwined with human existence, weaving stories and legends that continue to captivate the imaginations of those who venture here today.

Kiltarlity's vibrant community life, rooted in traditions both old and new, includes an array of clubs and organizations, none more iconic than the Lovat Shinty Club. Shinty, an age-old Scottish sport, resonates with the spirit of the Highlands, and in Kiltarlity, it has flourished for generations. The Lovat Club, tracing its origins back to the nineteenth century, stands as a living testament to this enduring legacy. A brief experiment in amalgamation with Beauly in the early twentieth century was abandoned, ensuring that both clubs continue to thrive independently. Together, they hold aloft the torch of tradition, preserving the New Year derby, a ritual that has faded or briefly resurged in other shinty-playing regions.

In the mystical landscape of Kiltarlity, where history whispers through ancient stones, the tapestry of community, tradition, and natural beauty remains as vibrant and captivating as ever. It is a place where the past and present merge, allowing visitors and residents alike to experience the enduring enchantment of this timeless Highland gem.

The Community Council

The Community Council provides a link between the Highland Council and other public bodies and the local people. It has a legal right to be consulted on planning applications and objections to liquor licenses. Apart from these specific areas the Community Council is expected to act on issues which it believes concern the interests of the community. The Community Council must be non-party and try to involve a very broad cross-section of the community.

The Community Council holds regular meetings (except July) which are advertised, with a note of the main business, on local notice boards (and on the website notice board) about a week beforehand. Agendas and minutes can be obtained from the Secretary, at meetings and on this website. Meetings are completely open to the public (though very occasionally, confidential issues may need to be discussed in private sessions).

Anyone wishing to raise any matter with the Community Council can contact the Chair please contact us via 'Contact Us' link.


